Is There Anything I Can Do?
When I woke up to the news that Russia had declared war on Ukraine this morning, I was crushed with heaviness. I had been a missionary kid in Dnipro when I was very young and remember walking with my parents through the bustling Sophia Square in Kyiv. Images of the square empty and the city under martial law are simply unreal to me. The thought of hearing explosions from Russian missiles in the places I remember from childhood breaks my heart. My immediate thought as I stood stunned listening to the news this morning was, “is there anything I can do.”
I’m ashamed to say one of my last thoughts was to pray. As we continue to receive reports of devastation about the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the days to come, we cannot buy into the lie that we are unable to do anything to help. Remember, the Bible teaches that we are citizens of the Kingdom of God and children of the King over all nations.
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,” (Colossians 1:13 NIV)
“for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations.” (Psalm 22:28)
We can approach God boldly and ask shamelessly for the good of Ukraine right now. Whatever may come, unless the global Church fulfills her duty to pray, only evil will come out of what is happening in Ukraine.
“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)
What To Pray For
But what do we pray for? Although there is almost no end to the things we can pray for in this hopelessly complex situation, we ought to pray strategically, along with the desires of the Holy Spirit and not just with the impulses of our minds as we read headlines.
Here are four major ways to pray for Ukraine:
1. Pray For The Hurting
Before anything else, we should take a minute to share God’s aching heart for the grieving, the poor in spirit, those who have already lost so much. Since 2014 thousands have lost their lives in Ukraine due to the armed conflict, and as of this morning over a million people have been internally displaced. Before we pray for anything else, we ought to weep with those who weep and pray for the safety and welfare of desperate, grieving, and displaced people (Ps. 72:12–14; Matt. 5:3; Rom. 12:14).
God dearly loves the lives of all people and detests murder and violence (Gen. 9:6; Exod. 20:13; Matt. 6:26). Above all, God desires all people to be reconciled to Him and to be at peace with Him, coming into the Kingdom of God. Jesus taught us that no one is nearer entering this Kingdom than oppressed, grieving, poor, and desperate people (Matt. 5:3, 6:9–13; Acts 14:12).
You could pray along these lines:
Father, you know what it is like to grieve, to feel pain, rejection, even fear and death. Lord, I pray for those who are facing these threats in Ukraine today, may your powerful hand protect them from all harm.
Lord, provide for displaced people in Ukraine and comfort the hurting. I pray for your mercy on the vulnerable, that they would receive kindness and support from strangers.
And Lord, I pray that you would turn the hearts of those who are suffering in Ukraine back to you, that they would receive you completely and enter the peace of your Kingdom even while war surrounds them. May those who are afraid now be comforted by you, and find refuge eternally in you, Lord Jesus.
2. Pray for Justice
While we can and should pray for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, it has been increasingly clear to the world that Russia has closed its ears to negotiations and is eager to shed blood. There is no justification for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which can only be described as a grave injustice. The Bible tells us that God is just and that He will judge corrupt and unjust rulers (Is. 1:17; Prov. 21:15, 29:26). There cannot be peace until justice is done, and this is something we must eagerly seek from God.
You could pray along these lines:
Father, you planned for all nations to overflow with justice, that rulers would abide by your higher laws and deal benevelantly with others. I pray against the injustice being committed against Ukraine now, as I know it grieves your heart and angers you deeply.
Lord, I pray that justice would come against Putin and those who follow him into acts of injustice. I pray that the land of Ukraine would be justly preserved and that you would put an end to the corruption and violent use of authority in Russia.
Lord, I also pray for the other nations of the world watching this happen. I pray you would grant them divine wisdom and foresight and a heart to do justice wherever they can for Ukraine.
3. Pray For Truth and the Exposing of Lies
Since Russia’s first incursions against Ukraine, a steady bombardment of misinformation, propaganda, threats, and rumors have been thrown at Ukraine. Russia has been tirelessly working to convince its own people through media propaganda that war with Ukraine is justified, while the whole western world plainly sees through the lies.
While a thick darkness of lies and misinformation clouds the consciences of so many in Russia, the Bible tells us that God is a God of truth and hates “haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood” (Prov. 6:17). The Holy Spirit, who marks us as the people of Christ, is described as the “Spirit of Truth”, and since we have God’s Spirit in us we intercede for and promote truth (John 16:13; Eph. 6:14; John 8:32).
You could pray along these lines:
Father, you are the source of all truth and there is no hint of corruption in you. You despise lies and the covering up of violence. I thank you for where you have already exposed the deceit and dishonesty of the Russian government to the western world, but now I pray that you would heal the blindness of the Russian people.
I pray against the schemes of the enemy, who works to blind all people from truth. I pray your light would shine and that there would be outrage and unrest among the people of Russia for what their government is doing. I pray, Lord, that your Spirit of Truth would enter the hearts and minds of the Russian people and disrupt the system of lies that seeks to justify bloodshed.
4. Pray for the Church in Ukraine and Russia
Finally, if you pray for only one thing on this list, pray for churches in both Ukraine and Russia. Both these nations have deep roots in Christian faith and today the Church is still very much alive in these countries. Wherever we live, Ukrainian and Russian Christians are still our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers—we are unified by a family bond which cannot be broken. The Bible encourages us frequently to pray for other Christians, especially those facing challenging trials and intense suffering ( Eph. 6:18; James 5:16; Rev. 8:3–4).
There will be many facing crises of faith and many who will be coming to the faith for the first time. Pray for Ukrainian Christian leaders to receive and serve with supernatural strength and perseverance, even in the face of grievous threats. Pray that the gospel will be proclaimed and lived and that powerful faith and courage will be on full display through Ukrainian Christians. Also pray for Christians in Russia, Orthodox and others, that leaders and laypeople will rise up in protest, through the authority given to them by Christ, to oppose the tyrannical actions of the state.
You could pray along these lines:
Father, you have established your Church as an outpost of the Kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven. I pray that you would strengthen and embolden our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Ukraine to bear faithful witness to their hope and trust in you, our Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray for the pastors and leaders who people look up to, that they would be given a double portion of your grace for the task ahead. I pray many would come to you, and that those who know you already will manifest your goodness on a scale Ukraine has never seen before.
I also pray for the faithful in Russia, that their leaders would be convicted not to condone the actions of the state and that they would raise their voice against the violence and injustice that you despise so much. Bring unity and power to your people in these troubled nations we pray,
through Christ our Lord, Amen